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I did the math. This has more jokes per minute than "The Hangover", second only to "Airplane!".

Little-Rena responds:

Cool! I'd love to see the peer reviewed paper

A true lovestory and a misunderstood bear.

Not sure which was the best part. I rank them all 1st. Which means they also all share the lowest assigned rank unfortunately.

Happy clock day nonetheless!

Recent Game Reviews

44 Game Reviews

This technology is too advanced- … wait didn‘t we meet before?
Happy clock day!

Little-Rena responds:

Too spoopy!

The power of the rainbow floods through my account now that I clicked all those colors. Thanks for the upgrade and happy clock day!

Finally a purpose for all the clock lore I studied. Happy clock day!

TotalEmulator responds:

Thanks, i'm happy clock day 2023!

Recent Audio Reviews

4 Audio Reviews

Nice job! Happy clock day!

NitroOrient responds:

Thank you! Happy Clock Day to you!


Nice song, absolutely 100 percent funky. :D

Didn't know there were still "ringtones" around in times when you can use your full song mp3s for it. But hey, this one's great.

I'm with WunderWoffle, it reminds me a little of Daft Punk and that's definitely a good thing for electrofunk.

Congrats on the first place!

snayk responds:

Well setting an mp3 as a ringtone still technically makes it a ringtone. This one just happens to have vocals which make it extra appropriate for use as such :)

Thanks for the congrats + review!

Wonderful and inspiring

I have to agree with PsychoticBambi, I instantly pictured an RPG in my inner eye.

Our hero in front of the castle at night, in the "Garden of Moonlight".

But I guess it's not limited to this, just my first thought.

Harp music in general makes me think of medieval times, knights and princesses.

Congratulations, as you can see in the reviews, your song is very inspiring.

Audio Portal is such a great place!

rtnario responds:

Yeah. I thought of something similar too, except it's no hero in front of a castle, but just any protagonist strolling in an open garden by moonlight, deep in thought. Ta-da, song! This was actually directly inspired a lot by a harp piece Yasunori Mitsuda composed for the DS game Soma Bringer. He's a genius. *_*

Thanks for the review, and yes, the Audio Portal is indeed awesome. :D

Recent Art Reviews

182 Art Reviews

Rad rat & cutting-edge wedge.

SourCherryJack responds:

Damn. Cutting-Edge Wedge. That's good.

I have trouble understanding the pose of the right (left from our view) leg. But I enjoy the mask design, that’s why I actually stopped by to review. Also the balance of the overall pose works out well.

Completely fresh design, yet all the bits and pieces are there. Well done! Love the sword handle, the use of light and dark as well as the bottles.

Remember: Still waters run wet.

Age 39


Beertown in Bratwurstland

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